Hydrocarbon utilising bacteria (HUB) are known as crude oil degrading micro-organisms. They have the ability to use petroleum products as a carbon and energy source. The metabolic machinery involves enzymes, which can react with different groups or substituents of the hydrocarbon chain. Many HUB also produce emulsifier that increase the surface area of the substrate. These bacteria are also capable of modifying their cell surface to increase its affinity for hydrophobic substrates and, thus facilitate their absorption.
The unique properties of HUB can be used for screening for petroleum reservoirs and clean-up of the oil spillage. The abundant presence of HUB in surface samples often indicates the presence of underneath oil or gas deposits, as these bacteria thrive on gaseous hydrocarbon present in the sub-soil at the point of seepage. The increased usage of petroleum products in everyday life resulted in the higher frequency of soil and aquatic ecosystem pollution. Since oil contamination causes a life hazard to all life forms, any spillage requires immediate action. The first step of defence against oil pollution in the environment, considered a cost-effective and environmentally safe, is the bioremediation. This clean-up method involves introduction of HUB population into petroleum contaminated site leading to microbial remediation of hydrocarbons.