Water Management Plans provide operators with an important framework to enable a safe and efficient water supply. Industrial sites, Council, Agriculture, Resorts, Hospitals and Nursing Homes all require some form of water management. Legionella, potable water, environmental water and sewage effluents all require some level of management. Our plans can be tailored to be site specific or broadened for multiple sites.
Introduction: aims and objectives, scope, structure, administration etc.
Monitoring Strategy and Response: routine and tiered monitoring, team, sampling procedures etc.
Contingency Response Strategy: responsibility, policy, protection priorities, organisation, team structure, team member duties, tiered response, reporting, sampling procedures, up/down grade of response, clean up, resources etc.
Contingency Response Procedure: notification, reporting, bloom assessment, initial response, key personnel, records, etc.
Contingency Plan Support: requests, site health and safety, training, etc.
Appendices: monitoring procedures, reporting procedures and forms, toxicity sampling, treatment guidelines, tiered flow chart, etc.