Water contains a myriad of fine particles which can interfere with its use which then requires filtration to remove. Particle size distribution allows for a count of various size particles in a given water volume normally 1ml. This allows for targeted filtration process to be developed for the required water quality. We can provide particle…
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About: admin
Recent Posts by admin
Water Management Plans
Water Management Plans provide operators with an important framework to enable a safe and efficient water supply. Industrial sites, Council, Agriculture, Resorts, Hospitals and Nursing Homes all require some form of water management. Legionella, potable water, environmental water and sewage effluents all require some level of management. Our plans can be tailored to be site…
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Cyanobacteria Management Plan
Cyanobacteria pose significant risks to industrial sites and as such need to be managed to ensure ongoing safe work practices. Introduction: aims and objectives, scope, structure, administration etc. Monitoring Strategy and Response: routine and tiered monitoring, team, sampling procedures etc. Contingency Response Strategy: responsibility, policy, protection priorities, organisation, team structure, team member duties, tiered response, reporting, sampling procedures,…
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Mosquito Viruses
MOSQUITO-TRANSMITTED VIRUSES Saltwater environments Ross River disease Ross River disease is the most commonly transmitted mosquito-borne viral disease to humans in Australia. The number of cases has averaged >5,000 per annum during 1991-1997. The virus appears to be endemic in most rural areas, and there has been an increasing incidence near major cities. For most…
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