Cyanobacteria Management Plan

Cyanobacteria pose significant risks to industrial sites and as such need to be managed to ensure ongoing safe work practices. Introduction: aims and objectives, scope, structure, administration etc. Monitoring Strategy and Response: routine and tiered monitoring, team, sampling procedures etc. Contingency Response Strategy: responsibility, policy, protection priorities, organisation, team structure, team member duties, tiered response, reporting, sampling procedures,…
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Mosquito Viruses

MOSQUITO-TRANSMITTED VIRUSES Saltwater environments Ross River disease Ross River disease is the most commonly transmitted mosquito-borne viral disease to humans in Australia. The number of cases has averaged >5,000 per annum during 1991-1997. The virus appears to be endemic in most rural areas, and there has been an increasing incidence near major cities.  For most…
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Landlords must supply potable water.

As a landlord or rental property manager in Australia, it is important to ensure that your properties that use bore or rainwater comply with the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Not only is it a legal requirement, but failure to do so can result in serious consequences such as illness, disease or even death from the…
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Cyanobacteria Toxins.

CYANOBACTERIA TOXINS Cyanobacteria, also commonly called blue-green algae, are present all around the world. Primarily in calm, nutrient-rich waters. A number of cyanobacteria species produce toxins, some of which, effect animals and humans. Some toxins may cause skin irritation on contact, and others can lead to serious health problems. Individuals may be exposed to cyanobacterial…
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